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Дяӈ ката [Берегиня]: текст об обрядовой кукле лесных ненцев

Явид В. А., Kozlov A., Аристова М. В.

This article presents a text in the Pur dialect of the Forest Nenets language. The text deals with the traditional ritual doll of the For‑ est Nenets – Дяӈ ката, ‘Grandmother of the Earth’. The text’s author is a native speaker of Forest Nenets, and its publication was prepared in collaboration with linguists. The text is accompanied by a Russian transla‑ tion and interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glossing. The orthographic system used for transcribing the text is introduced in the preface. Linguistic phenomena that have previously not been sufficiently de‑ scribed for the Forest Nenets language are commented on in footnotes.