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Мартин Луенго Беатриз

  • Начала работать в НИУ ВШЭ в 2015 году.

Образование, учёные степени

  • 2014
    PhD: Университет Страны Басков
  • 2008

    Специалитет: Университет Страны Басков, специальность «Психология», квалификация «Лиценциат психологии»

Дополнительное образование / Повышение квалификации / Стажировки

8-10th May 2019. "MegNord". 4 hours MNE-Python workshop (Alex Gramfort with Marijn van Vliet, Britta Westner). University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland.

30-2nd June 2017. “Donders Brain Stimulation Tool-kit 2017”, 4 intensive days course, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, The Neetherlands

Education and Degrees

2013 Ph.D. (Suma Cum Laude) in Psychology presented in the University of Basque Country (Spain), evaluated by Dr Hartmut Blank (University of Portsmouth, UK) and Dr Ana Paula Carneiro (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

2009 M.Sc. in Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience in the University of Granada (Spain). Practical training at the University of Southampton (UK) under the supervision of Dr Phil Higham

2008 B.Sc. Psychology. University of the Basque Country (Spain)


Post doctoral positions

2014 Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by TÜBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). 2216 Research Fellowship Programme for International Researchers. Süleyman Şah University (Turkey)

Достижения и поощрения

  • Благодарственное письмо ректора НИУ ВШЭ (сентябрь 2021)
  • Надбавка за публикацию в международном рецензируемом научном издании (2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2020-2021, 2019-2020)

Учебные курсы (2024/2025 уч. год)

Учебные курсы (2023/2024 уч. год)

Учебные курсы (2022/2023 уч. год)

Учебные курсы (2021/2022 уч. год)

Учебные курсы (2020/2021 уч. год)

Invited lectures

2019 Invited lecturer: “Metacognition: concepts, methods, applications” at the Winter School of Psychology organized by Saint Petersburg State University

2019 Invited lecturer: “Neural correlates of Judgments of Learning”, at the Winter School of Psychology organized by Saint Petersburg State University


Руководитель гранта РНФ 19-18-00534 (2019-2021) Нейронная динамика и нейроанатомические субстраты метапамяти и прагматики разговорной речи. (Российский научный фонд Конкурс 2019 года «Проведение фундаментальных научных исследований и поисковых научных исследований отдельными научными группами».)



  1. Martín-Luengo, B. (2024). Efecto del contexto social y la confianza en la emisión de respuestas. Presented at the XV Congreso (Inter)Nacional de Psicología Jurídica y Forense, Elche, Spain.
  2. Martín-Luengo, B., Zinchenko, O., & Dolgoarshinnaia, A. (2023). External and internal source monitoring: Meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Presented at the 11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Granada, Spain.
  3. Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2023). Monitoring the modality and the language of information in a bilingual reality monitoring paradigm. Presented at 14th biennial SARMAC, Nagoya, Japan.
  4. Talawanich, J., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2023). Is enactment a potential mediator of false memories creation caused by observation inflation? 7th "Cognitive Science in Moscow: New Research", Moscow, Russia Federation.
  5. Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2023). Reality monitoring in bilingual self-other paradigm. 7th "Cognitive Science in Moscow: New Research", Moscow, Russia Federation.
  6. Ivanova, E., & Martin-Luengo, B. (2023). Prospective metamemory: through adolescence into young adulthood. The 52nd annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Madrid, Spain.
  7. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., Leminen, A., & Shtyrov, Y. (2022). Memory reporting strategies in conversational pragmatics. Presented at the International APPE-SEPEX meeting, 15º Encontro Nacional APPE e 13º Congreso SEPEX
  8. Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2022). Reality monitoring in native and foreign language. Presented at the 6th Human Brain Project - Student Conference, HBP-virtual 
  9.  Ivanova, E. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2022). Prospective metamemory monitoring: source vs item. Presented at the 6th Human Brain Project - Student Conference, HBP-virtual 
  10. Martín-Luengo, B., Altuhov, D., Leminen, A., Alekseeva, M., & Shtyrov, Y. (2021). Theta-band oscillatory activity reflects retrospective confidence judgments (RCJ): Magnetoencephalography (MEG) evidence. Presented at 62nd Psychonomics Society Annual Meeting - virtual.
  11.  Ivanova, E. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2021). Is there any difference between source or item monitoring? Presented at NeNa Conference 2021 Neurowissenschaftliche Nachwuchskonferenz (Conference of Junior Neuroscientists).
  12. Hu, Z., Martín-Luengo, B., Cadavid, S., Luna, K. (2021). Do pictures help learn Chinese? Presented at the XV International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. 
  13.  Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2021). Language and memory in bilinguals: source monitoring differences for false information in Russian-English bilinguals. Presented to the 34th APPE annual Portuguese conference on Experimental Psychology.
  14. Hu, Z., Martín-Luengo, B., Cadavid, S., Luna, K. (2021). Do pictures influence memory and metamemory in Chinese vocabulary learning? Presented to the 34th APPE annual Portuguese conference on Experimental Psychology.
  15. Martín-Luengo, B., Zinchenko, O., Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Leminen, A. (2021). fMRI meta-analysis of retrospective confidence judgments. Presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, CNS-Virtual.
  16. Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2021). Source monitoring and false information endorsement in native and foreign language: an online study with Russian-English bilinguals. Presented at the 34th CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, CUNY- virtual
  17. Dolgoarshinnaia, A., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2021). Source monitoring: Effect of language and false information. Presented at the 5th Human Brain Project - Student Conference, HBP-virtual  
  18. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., Shtyrov, Y. (2020). Conversational pragmatics: reporting strategies in different social contexts. Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting - Virtual Psychonomics.
  19. Martín-Luengo, B., Lee, S., Mikhailova, Kapitsin, K., Myackykov, A., & Shtyrov, Y.,  (2019). Metacognitive monitoring on future performance: an ERP study. Accepted at the 25th Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing. Moscow, Russia.
  20. Mikhailova, L., Shtyrov, Y., Myackykov, A., Kapitsin, K., Lee, S., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2019). EEG study on the Misinformation effect. Accepted at the 25th Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing. Moscow, Russia.
  21. Martín-Luengo, B., Mikhailova, L., Lee, S., Kapitsin, K., Myackykov, A. & Shtyrov, Y. (2019). EEG correlates of false information. Presented at the 3rd International Conference Neurobiology of Speech and Language, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
  22. Martín-Luengo, B., Lee, S., Mikhailova, L., Kapitsin, K., Myackykov, A. & Shtyrov, Y. (2019). Differential neural basis for different levels of metacognitive evaluations. Presented at the 3rd International Conference Neurobiology of Speech and Language, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
  23. Л. Михайлова, С. Ли, Ю. Штыров, A. Мячиков, Б. Мартин-Луэнго.(2019). ЭЭГ кор-реляции ложных воспоминаний // 72-я Всероссийская с международным уча-стием школа-конференция молодых ученых «Биосистемы: организация, пове-дение, управление». Нижний Новгород, Россия
  24. Martín-Luengo, B., Lee, S., Mikhailova, L., Myackykov, A. & Shtyrov, Y. (2019). Neural correlates of judgments of learning: an EEG study. Presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  25. Martín-Luengo, B., Shtyrov, Y., & Myackykov, A. (2018). Underlying deliberative processes in the informativeness-accuracy trade-off: An eye-tracking study. Presented at the NightWhites, the Fourth St. Petersburg Winter Workshop on Experimental Studies of Speech and Language, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
  26. Martín-Luengo, B., Feurra, M., Vorobiova, A., Myachykov, A., & Shtyrov, Y. (2018). Context-dependent selective role of the left medial prefrontal cortex in communication: a TMS study. Accepted at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society conference to be held in Boston, US.
  27. Luna, K., Martín-Luengo, B., & Albuquerque, P. B. (2018). Effects of Delayed Judgments of Learning in Metamemory Illusions: A Meta-Analysis. Accepted at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society to be held in Amsterdam, The Neetherlands.
  28. Martín-Luengo, B., Shtyrov, Y., & Myackykov, A. (2017). Regulation of the informativeness-accuracy trade-off and pragmatics: An eye-tracking study. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver (Canada).
  29. Martín-Luengo, B., Feurra, M., Vorobiova, A., Myachykov, A., & Shtyrov, Y. (2017). Left medial prefrontal cortex plays a social context-dependent role in controlling communication exchanges: a TMS study. Presented at the workshop “Neurobiology of Speech and Language” held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
  30. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., Shtyrov, Y., & Myachykov, A. (2017). Embodied metamemory: JOL´s and vertical space. Communication presented at the 10th Annual Embodied and Situated Language Processing Conference (ESLP), held in Moscow, Russian Federation.
  31. Luna, K., Martín-Luengo, B., & Albuquerque, P. A.. (2017). Delayed judments of learning and the effect of font size on memory and metamemory: A meta-analysis. Communication presented at XIIº Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia Experimental (APPE), held in Porto, Portugal.
  32. Martín-Luengo, B., Shtyrov, Y., & Myachykov, A. (2016). Different answers to different audiences: The effects of pragmatics on the regulation of accuracy-informativeness. Annual Meeting Psychonomic Society, 17-20th November, Boston (EUA)
  33. Luna, K., Martín-Luengo, B., & Avsar, R. (2016). Enlightenment instructions decrease the acceptance of central misinformation. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 5-8th May 2016, Granada (Spain)
  34. Martín-Luengo, B., & Luna, K. (2016). No own-age bias for young adults when perceived age of the face is used. International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 5-8th May 2016, Granada (Spain)
  35. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Albuquerque, P. (2015). The font-size effect in judgments of learning with sentences. Night Whites 2015. The third St. Petersburg winter workshop on experimental studies of speech and language, St. Petersburg (Russia)
  36. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Migueles, M. (2015). Memory for ads: Influence of type of product, thematic congruence and typicality. Cognition, Computation, Communication and Perception (CCCP)2: Theoretical and neurobiological bases of higher cognitive functions, Moscow (Russia)
  37. Luna, K., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2015, 24-27th June). The police don't know, but the witness does: Using metamemory to identify questions with and without correct answers. Presented at the 11th Congress of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), Victoria, Canada.
  38. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2014, 9-10th September). The subjective experience of retrieval-induced forgetting. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Metacognition, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  39. Luna, K., Martín-Luengo, B., & Albuquerque, P. B. (2014, 3-6th September). Are perceptual characteristics fast traces that affect immediate judgments of learning? Presented at the 6th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Special Interest Group 16-Metacognition, Istanbul, Turkey.
  40. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Migueles, M. (2013, 3-6 de abril). (Lack of) Memory for internet advertisements. Presented at the 10th Congress of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  41. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2013, 26-29th June). Use your metamemory: How to (almost) double accuracy in two simple steps. Presented at the 10th Congress of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
  42. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Migueles, M. (2013, 3-6th April). Thematic congruence, interest of the product, and typicality on memory for advertisements. Presented at the 40th Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology Conference (EPC), Adelaide, Australia.
  43. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2013, 3-6th April). Do source monitoring cues help to monitor accuracy? Presented at the 40th Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology Conference (EPC), Adelaide, Australia.
  44. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Migueles, M. (2012, 16-17th March). Thematic congruency, interest and typicality on TV advertisements memory. Presented at the 7th meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal.
  45. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Migueles, M. (2011, 29th September-2nd October). Memory for press advertisements: influence of thematic congruence, product interest and typicality. Presented at the 17th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain.
  46. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2011, 27-29th June). Is the misinformation effect reduced by using the plurality option? Presented at the 9th Congress of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), New York, USA.
  47. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Migueles, M. (2011, 27-29th June). Type of program, interest of the product, and typicality: Effects on radio advertisements memory. Presented at the 9th Congress of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC), New York, USA.
  48. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2011, 24-25th March). The acceptance of misinformation and the strategic regulation of accuracy. Presented at the 6th meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology, Coimbra, Portugal.
  49. Martín-Luengo, B., Luna, K., & Migueles, M. (2011, 24-25th March). Memory for radio advertisements: effect of type of program, interest of the product and typicality. Presented at the 6th meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology, Coimbra, Portugal.
  50. Higham, P. A., Luna, K., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2010, 18-21th November). Regulating accuracy with grain size: People do not evaluate correctly the accuracy benefits of coarsening answers. Presented at the 51th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, USA.
  51. Higham, P. A., Luna, K., & Martín-Luengo, B. (2010, 5-6th November). Regulating memory accuracy with the plurality option. Presented at the workshop Metacognition: Where Next?, Hull, UK.
  52. Martín-Luengo, B. & Migueles, M. (2010, 15-17th April). Memory for radio advertisements: effect of program congruence, typicality and divided attention. Presented at the 8th Meeting of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), joint meeting with the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS), Granada, Spain.
  53. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2010, 15-17th April). Source monitoring: Characteristics of memories also help to determine the confidence in the source decisions. Presented at the 8th Meeting of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), joint meeting with the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS), Granada, Spain.
  54. Luna, K., Martín-Luengo, B., & Higham, P. A. (2010, 26-27th March). Regulation of the grain size leads to a confidence-accuracy dissociation. Presented at the 5th Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology, Braga, Portugal
  55. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2009, 2-5th November). Effect of instructions in the confidence-accuracy calibration in eyewitness memory. Presented at the 16th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Krakow, Poland.
  56. Martín-Luengo, B., Migueles, M., & Luna, K. (2009, 17-18th April). Memory for advertisements in enjoyable, interesting or boring radio programs: The context matter. Presented at the 16th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Krakow, Poland.
  57. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2009, 17-18th April). What is the best way to analyse the confidence-accuracy relationship? Presented at the 4th meeting of the Portuguese Association of Experimental Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal.
  58. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2008c, 21-25th July). Three different analyses to study confidence-accuracy relationship on memory of a bank robbery and on general knowledge. Presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
  59. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2008b, 8-10th May). Nuevos avances en el estudio de la relación entre la confianza y la exactitud. Presented at the 4th Congress of the Spanish Society of Forensic Psychology, Murcia, Spain.
  60. Martín-Luengo, B. & Migueles, M. (2008, 3-5th April). Exactitud y errores de atribución para los contenidos y anuncios de programas de radio (Accuracy and source monitoring errors for contents and advertisements in radio programs). Presented at the 7th Congress of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain.
  61. Luna, K. & Martín-Luengo, B. (2008a, 3-5th April). Calibración de la confianza y la exactitud en el recuerdo de un atraco a un banco. Presented at the 7th Congress of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain.

Опыт работы

September 2018- current – Senior Researcher Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Center for Cognition and Decision Making, NRU - HSE

2015- September 2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by HSE Center for Advance Studies

2014-2015 Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). 2216 Research Fellowship Programme for International Researchers. Suleyman Şah University (Turkey)

2010-2014 Fullbright PhD student funded by the Basque Government (Spain)


Общий стаж: 9 лет
Данные выводятся в соответствии с требованиями приказа N 831 от 14 августа 2020 г. Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере образования и науки

Участие в редколлегиях научных журналов


Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, Memory & Cognition

Conference and Congress organization

Head of the Organizing Committee of the 25th Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP2019), 6-8th September, Moscow, Russian Federation.  https://neuro.hse.ru/amlap2019

Member of The 10th Annual Embodied and Situated Language Processing Conference (ESLP2017), 10-12th September, Moscow, Russian Federation. https://www.hse.ru/cdm-centre/eslp/

Member of the organizing committee of the XXIII Symposium of the Spanish Society of 3 Historical Psychology (SEHP), 13-15th May 2010, San Sebastian, Spain.

Member of the organizing committee of the VII Congress of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology (SEPEX), 3 -5th April 2008, San Sebastian, Spain.

Administrative duties

2015 - current: Responsible for managing the Behavioral Laboratory at the Center of Cognition and Decision Making potentially used by more than 100 people: postdocs, PhD master and bachelor students.

2015 - current: Local coordinator of the Communication, Cognitive Control and Perception group (~15 active members)

2016-2017 Assistant for European grant applications of the Center for Cognition and Decision Making, NRU HSE

2015-2016 Organizer member of the “Labs & Recreation” leisure group of the Center for Cognition and Decision Making, NRU HSE

Расписание занятий на сегодня

Полное расписание

Иностранный язык может стать источником ложных воспоминаний (но не всех)

Ученые из НИУ ВШЭ, Александра Долгоаршинная и Беатриз Мартин Луенго, обнаружили, что дезинформация на родном и иностранном языке в равной степени формирует ложные воспоминания. Исследование под названием “False Memories in Native and Foreign Languages” опубликовано в журнале Frontiers in Psychology.

10 научных проектов НИУ ВШЭ получили гранты РНФ

Они стали победителями конкурса 2019 года, направленного на поддержку фундаментальных и поисковых научных исследований, проводимых научными группами.

From Spain’s Basque Country to Moscow, an HSE Research Fellow Studies Human Memory and Metamemory

After receiving her PhD in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country, Beatriz Martín-Luengo arrived in Moscow in 2015 to join the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making at HSE as a Research Fellow. Since then, she has pursued research interests that focus on the ecological study of human memory (i.e., variables that affect our recollection) and metamemory, which is the introspective knowledge of one's own memory capabilities (and strategies that can aid memory) and the processes involved in memory self-monitoring.

Welcome Aboard: Post-Doc Introductions

Every year, HSE hires post-doctoral researchers from all over the world. And in 2017-18, more than 30 of them started work at laboratories and research centres in a large range of fields and specializations. The HSE Lookis pleased to introduce this year’s international researchers, so that you can learn more about your colleagues and find out about opportunities for potential collaboration.