The Russian Federation: A New Innovation Policy for Sustainable Growth / Global Innovation Index
Gokhberg L. and Roud V. The Russian Federation: A New Innovation Policy for Sustainable Growth / Global Innovation Index. Fontainebleau, INSEAD, 2012 — ISBN: 978-2-9522210-2-3
A new dynamic of innovation is emerging around the world in spite of persistent innovation divides between countries and regions. Although innovation cannot cure the most immediate financial difficulties, it is a crucial element of sustainable growth.
To guide polices and to help overcome divides, metrics are required. The Global Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Innovation Linkages for Global Growth is primarily concerned with improving the ‘journey’ to better understanding innovation and with identifying targeted policies, good practices, and other levers to foster innovation.
This year the Global Innovation Index (GII) innovates in two ways:
- First, it includes an analysis of the underlying factors influencing year-on-year changes in country rankings.
- Second, the strengths and weaknesses of each economy are clearly identified in country profiles.
The GII project was launched by INSEAD in 2007 to determine how to find metrics and approaches that go beyond traditional measures of innovation. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, joined the exercise in 2011 as Knowledge Partner and in 2012 as a co-publisher. The GII draws on the support and expertise of its Knowledge Partners: Alcatel-Lucent, Booz & Company, and the Confederation of Indian Industry, as well as an Advisory Board of 11 eminent international experts.
Chapter 6 “The Russian Federation: A New Innovation Policy for Sustainable Growth” (Leonid Gokhberg, first vice-rector, director of HSE ISSEK, Vitaliy Roud, research fellow, Laboratory of Economics of Innovation, HSE ISSEK) presents an analysis of Russian innovation system accompanied by an overview of state science, technology and innovation (STI) policy practice.
The authors cover the most urgent institutional cleavages, including the split-offs of science and industry, issues of institutional model of the R&D sector, sectoral discrepancies and regional polarization.
An outline of STI policy framework evolution is presented, including the most recent Strategy for Socio-Economic Development of Russia till 2020 topics. A special regard is paid to linkage-stimulating policy instruments, including grants for joint research for Universities, R&D organisations and companies, technology platforms, regional innovation clusters program and elaboration of innovation development plans for state-owned companies.
Chapter 6. The Russian Federation: A New Innovation Policy for Sustainable Growth