Evgeny Yasin Turns 83
HSE’s Academic Supervisor celebrated his birthday on May 7. This year Professor Yasin has even more reason to celebrate: not only is he celebrating his 83rd birthday, HSE is marking the 25th anniversary of its founding, and throughout that time, Professor Yasin has had the pleasure of being the university’s Academic Supervisor.
In what could be considered HSE’s ‘present’ to Professor Yasin, HSE has become the first Russian university to enter the Top 100 in Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings.
Professor Yasin himself played a key role in this achievement. Many of his projects continue to reinforce the university’s research potential and reputation as a research center. For example, the April International Academic Conference was held this year for the 18th time, and attracted about 2,000 participants. ‘It was successful, maybe even more so than usual’, was how Evgeny Yasin assessed the event.
At Professor Yasin’s research seminar, the country’s leading scholars discuss the most pressing socio-economic problems and present results of the most recent research. And the ‘More important than politics’ socio-cultural project also 10 this year.
Professor Yasin is also involved in teaching, writing, and charity work. When contemplating the country’s future, he firmly believes that the best is yet to come.
‘Everybody knows I’m an optimist’, he said in a recent radio interview, ‘I believe that, whatever happens we’ll develop along the lines of an effective market economy’.
All of us wish Professor Yasin health, strength, and vibrant celebrations. We also hope he has the chance to realize one small, but very symbolic dream: to erect a monument to Nikolay Milyutin in Moscow, one of the main authors of the Emancipation Reform of 1861.
Happy Birthday, Evgeny Grigorievich!
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