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math. arXiv. Cornell University, 2021
math. arXiv. Cornell University, 2018
Humanities. HUM. Basic Research Programme, 2012. No. 08.
This article examines the relation of two models of civil science in the early modern political literature: the rhetorical science of contingency (rhetorica primaria), and mathesis politica, associated with Descartes by some early Enlightenment authors. The authors analyze the reception of the rhetorical aspect of Hobbes’s civil science with a special focus on Vico’s criticism of Hobbes’s constructivist state model, showing how Vico counters the Hobbesian ‘protosociological’ style of theorizing with his own historical way of reflecting on the social and ‘open’ structure of political action. math. Cornell University, 2012. No. 6503.
Economics/EC. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2014. No. WP BRP 78/EC/2014.
Economics/EC. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2016
Is in utero exposure to testosterone (T), measured by the second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D), associated with lifetime educational attainment? A growing body of work finds exposure to prenatal T to be associated with aggression, physical fitness, performance in computer science, and type of occupation. However, there has not yet been substantial research its relationship with lifetime educational outcomes. Using a large sample drawn from families in Moscow and in the Moscow region from the Russian Longitudinal Measurement Survey (RLMS), we observe clear links between measured 2D:4D and the levels of education obtained by men. Statistically significant positive associations between higher 2D:4D (lower prenatal T) and higher levels of education were found, using difference in means analysis and generalized ordered logit (gologit) regressions. These findings were also robust to using a different subsample. Weaker findings were seen for women. Since many of the earlier findings have shown the benefits of higher prenatal T for achievement, the current finding of a negative effect of prenatal T on educational attainment raises interesting issues about the ambiguous effects of prenatal T and the degree to which the traits it promotes interact with different tasks and social contexts.
Education. EDU. Высшая школа экономики, 2011. No. 01.
Exposure to prenatal androgens affects both future behavior and life choices. However, there is still relatively limited evidence on its effects on academic performance. Moreover, the predicted effect of exposure to prenatal testosterone (T) - which is inversely correlated with the relative length of the second to fourth finger lengths (2D:4D) - would seem to have ambiguous effects on academic achievement since traits like confidence, aggressiveness, or risk-taking are not uniformly positive for success in school. We provide the first evidence of a non-linear relationship between 2D:4D and academic achievement using samples from Moscow and Manila. We find that there is a quadratic relationship between high T exposure and markers of achievement such as grades or test scores and that the optimum digit ratio for women in our sample is lower (indicating higher prenatal T) than the average. The results for men are generally insignificant for Moscow but significant for Manila showing similar non-linear effects. Our work is thus unusual in that it draws from a large sample of nearly a thousand university students in Moscow and over a hundred from Manila for whom we also have extensive information on high school test scores, family background and other potential correlates of achievement. Our work is also the first to have a large cross country comparison that includes two groups with very different ethnic compositions.
Working papers by Cornell University. Cornell University, 2014. No. 1412.6690.
Financial Economics. WP BRP. National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2018. No. 64/FE/2018.
math. arXiv. Cornell University, 2016
Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper Series. ISSN 0265-8003. Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2018. No. DP13181.
Working papers by Cornell University. Cornell University, 2011 math. Cornell University, 2011. No. 1112.4892v1. math. Cornell University, 2015
Научные доклады Института институциональных исследований. WP10. Высшая школа экономики, 2007. No. 01.
In areas of creative activity where the evaluation of efforts and results requires major expenditures, the intrinsic motivation of agents is an important factor of efficiency, whereas stringent monitoring fails to counteract opportunistic behavior. University professors are a case in point. The lack of comprehensive control and detailed regulation of professorial work that traditionally characterizes the university milieu creates an atmosphere of academic freedom that is propitious to intrinsic motivation. Academic freedom lies at the basis of the convention regulating the behavior of university administration and professors. It gives rise to an equilibrium state in which professors engage in both teaching and research, yet this equilibrium is not evolutionary stable in itself: as a rule, it is maintained by academic standards. New conditions of financing that are imposed on both the professoriate and the university administration lead to the destruction of this equilibrium and the emergence of new behavioral patterns at universities. Their characteristics depend both on external conditions (on the education market as a whole) and on internal ones (the university’s policy and the university academic environment).
Education. EDU. Высшая школа экономики, 2016. No. WP BRP 32/EDU/2016.
The literature on the consequences of academic inbreeding shows ambiguous results: some papers show that inbreeding positively influences research productivity, measured in the quantity and quality of publications, while others show the opposite effect. There are contradictory results both in studies of different countries and within countries. Such a variety of results makes it impossible to transfer the findings from one academic system to another, and in Russia this problem has been under explored. This paper focuses on the relationship between inbreeding and publication activity among Russian faculty members. The results, using Russian data from the Changing Academic Profession survey, showed no substantial effect of academic inbreeding on research productivity. Inbred and non-inbred faculty members do not differ substantially in terms of the probability of having publications, or how many, although for inbreds such probability is slightly higher. These results are robust for different operationalizations of inbreeding and measures of publication activity. However the absence of significant differences in the number of publications may not mean the absence of a difference in their quality. The possible explanations and limitations of the standard measures of research productivity are discussed.
Humanities. HUM. Basic Research Programme, 2014. No. WP BRP 81/HUM/2014.
Статья посвящена практикам присуждения ученых степеней в России в 1830-е годы. На основе распорядительных документов и правовых актов, мемуаров и архивного делопроизводства реконструированы имевшиеся в распоряжении соискателей ученых степеней способы академического и чиновного восхождения. В статье рассмотрены казусы типовых и нетипичных аттестаций. Проведенное исследование выявило турбулентный характер государственного регулирования данной сферы, наличие альтернативных путей для обретения ученой степени, что сделало возможным ручное управление процедурами аттестации со стороны министра народного просвещения