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Бюллетень «ЭСфорум»

Вышел октябрьский номер бюллетеня «ЭСфорум» (2012. № 4).

В этот раз номер приурочен к международной научной конференции «Embeddedness and beyond: do sociological theories meet economic realities?» (Укорененность и за ее пределами: объясняют ли социологические теории экономическую реальность?), прошедшей во ВШЭ 25-28 октября 2012 г. Все материалы «ЭСФорума» публикуются на английском языке.



  • Ronald Inglehart

Interview with Ronald Inglehart: Why I am in Russia and What I think about This

The October issue contains an interview with the influential sociologist and political scientist Ronald Inglehart, a founding father of the World Value Survey and, since November 2010, supervisor at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the HSE Branch in Saint Petersburg. In his interview Professor Inglehart shares his experience of working in Russia at the Higher School of Economics.


The Re-emergence of Sociology in Russia 

There’s also a short essay by Vadim Radaev demonstrating how Soviet/Russian sociology emerged as an academic discipline and the struggle to maintain its identity.


  • John Round

Creative Education in a Creative City: Teaching Economic Sociology Out of the Classroom in Moscow

John Round, who came to the Higher School of Economics from the University of Birmingham, reports on two of his post-graduate courses at the Department of Sociology in Moscow. More specifically, he reflects upon the role of street based learning as a pedagogical approach to teaching. A method that provides teaching opportunities through “real life” study of economic sociology in action at various sites around Moscow.


How Much You Have in Common with Russians?

Finally, and just for fun, there’s a chance to test yourself, how much do you have in common with your Russian colleagues? Possibly … more than you think….

Текст бюллетеня «ЭСфорум»